Sunday, March 23, 2014

Y750,000 left in 29 mailboxes at Nara condo

Y750,000 left in 29 mailboxes at Nara condo

It's cool most people reported their little windfalls to the police.  Honesty.  I like it.  The amount of money is more than likely variable because there may have been a few people who didn't tell the police.  Or perhaps the 750,000 yen amount is right on because others didn't receive any money.  The report doesn't specify.  The comments from readers are worth checking out, too.  The one about wanting people to leave money in his or her bike basket rather than empty cans and trash reminds me...

Many years ago, when I was a drinker, I went with some friends to a bar.  I met them when I was on my bike on my way back to my shared apartment, and I had a 500ml Coke and a water in my basket.  I chained the bike, left the convenience store bag with the drinks in the basket.  After the binging, I felt too drunk to ride my bike safely, so I walked home.  I'd forgotten about the drinks left in the basket.  The next morning when I retrieved my bike, I found the Coke gone.  Only the water remained.  I hope whoever took the Coke enjoyed it, but really, the water would have been the healthier choice.

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